Tuesday, 5 April 2016

APSU Exam Result 2016 www.apsurewa.ac.in

Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Results 2016

Awadhesh Pratap Singh University will release the Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Exam Result 2016 for UG & PG on its official website. The university has been running various different courses at Under Graduate and Post Graduate Level like BA, B.Sc., B.com, BCA, MA, Msc., M.Com, BBA, P.G.D.C.A, MBA, LLB, BHSc, M.S.W., M.Lib, A large number of candidates appear in the term end exam of the university every year. It is one of the most prestigious University of the Madhya Pradesh state. The exam for the UG & Pg Courses are conducted annually as well as semester wise. The University has not given any notification regarding the exam Result 2016 on its website. But it is predicted that the exam will be probably held in the month of June or July, 2016. Therefore, the Result of Awadhesh Pratap Singh University 2016 will be announced after two or three months later as it is assumed. The candidates are suggested to keep visiting the University website http://www.apsurewa.ac.in on regularly for every latest updates. The Result will be foremost uploaded and come in front of the candidates through online mode. Later it will be published by leading newspapers of the state.

Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Results 2016 BA, B.Sc., B.com, BCA, MA, Msc., M.Com, BBA, P.G.D.C.A, MBA, LLB, BHSc, M.S.W., M.Lib,

Here are some results recently declared by Awadhesh Pratap Singh University
  • B.Com. I Sem (New Course) Exam Result 2015
  • B.Com. III Sem (New Course) Exam Result 2015

Steps to check the Awadhesh Pratap Singh University result 2016:
  • Go to result page.
  • Enter Roll No/Hall Ticket.
  • Click Search.

About Awadhesh Pratap Singh University:

APS university is holding a special prestige because the University has been named after Captain Awadhesh Pratap Singh, a distinguished son of the soil and a freedom fighter. The University was established on the 20th July 1968 and got UGC recognition in February 1972. It has membership of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and All Commonwealth Association of Universities (ACAU).

The APS university offers three courses (Regular Courses, Self Supporting Courses, Correspondence Courses) in many different streams. The APS University has highly educated and experienced lectures to provide high level of education to their students and can provide them guidance for their carrer.
The APS University is a teaching-cum-affiliating University with its jurisdiction over 65 colleges situated in the districts of Rewa, Satna, Sidhi, Shahdol, Umariya and Singrauli.

Campus is Situated on the foot of Vindhyas, the University Campus is cozy and environmentally friendly, far from the hustle and bustle of the city life.

It has a small meteorological observatory and plans are for a seismological observatory.

For any farther latest notification/ result about Awadhesh Pratap Singh University Result 2016 from the university site please visit the our website apsu

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