Friday 30 September 2016

Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ. Exam Result 2016

p>The Directorate of Examination, Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ., announced Results for B.Ed. (Previous), Final Year Examination, 2016, takes this initiative to advise Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ. Students to check out here the said Results.

In order to access the Result from the website, the students will have to enter their Registration number or Roll number, the name of the degree in given space of the website.

So, students must keep visiting the official website of Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ. to aware about the results availability. We will also keep publishing latest updates on our website.

Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ.

Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ. Results 2016 for B.Ed. (Previous)

Here are some results recently declared by Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ.

Declaration Date: 30-Sep-2016 (30/09/2016)

  • B.Ed. (Previous) Exam Result 2016

Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ. B.Ed. (Previous) Result 2016 Name Wise

University Name :– Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ.

University Short Form :– DDU

Official Website

Course/Exam Name :B.Ed. (Previous)

Result Date :– 30-Sep-2016 (30/09/2016)

Declaration Status :– Declared Available Online

Result Check Link : (Important Link)

Courses Offered :

Check Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ. Result 2016 >>  Click Here   <—-

  • Click on the link mentioned above or go to official website provided above.
  • Now click on your course and semester.
  • Here you’ll click on link consisting your results.
  • Find your results by using your Roll Number or Name
  • And here you get your results.

Note: Candidates are advised to take print of their e-marksheet or save them as PDF for future reference.

More About Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ.:

The University of Gorakhpur is a teaching and residential-cum-affiliating University.It was only in 1956 that the University came into existence by an act passed by the U.P. Legislature. It actually started functioning since September 1, 1957, when the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Law and Education were started. In the following year, 1958, the faculty of science came into being. Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Agriculture came into existence in later years. Late Mahant Digvijay Nath also made valuable contribution in the formation of the University. The Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College. At one stage the federal jurisdiction of the University was spread over colleges in Gorakhpur and the adjoining erstwhile twelve districts with about 125 affiliated colleges. In 1973, when the Gorakhpur University Act was replaced by uniform piece of legislation called the U.P. Universities Act, about two dozed colleges located in five districts were transferred to the newly created Avadh University with headquarters at Faizabad. The jurisdiction of the Gorakhpur University was drastically curtailed further in its headquarters at Jaunpur. At present, with the establishment of new colleges and the creation of new districts, there are 123 colleges located in five districts of Gorakhpur Division. In the residential zone, we have more than 125 quarters for teachers and officials of the University and about the same number of the non-teaching staff. There are several hostels - four boys and one complex with three wings for the The academic culture of the University evolved out the cross fertilization of diverse traditions of teaching and research

For any kind of further information regarding Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ. Exam Result 2016 Results 2016 the candidates must visit Deen Dayal Updahya Gorkhapur Univ.. Comment your doubts below.

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